Today we embark on chapter nine. One of my favorite chapters called, "Don't Feed the Lions."
Throughout the book, and again in this chapter, we learn that in order to be self-disciplined, our hearts must yield to our minds. But in order to equip our minds for the job, we need to keep that mind in the best shape we can. We do this by listening to the good, and tuning out the bad messages in life.
Focus provides us with the ability to improve our minds when that focus is fine tuned. Keeping our minds on track equips us to keep our bodies on track. That's what we need for success!
We received a letter from Missy, who wrote,
Ever since reading Reshaping It All I've had the urge to be more active and get moving! I've tried to do something active everyday whether it's been a 10 minute stretch or 10 mile hike, it counts! Also I've found it very beneficial to write down all the positive choices I've made throughout the day. Its been a great motivational tool that encourages me and reminds me that I'm making progress.
Now I also know that for every positive choice I've made there's probably a negative choice or two lingering over me. I think its important to realize that we're never going to have that completely perfectly healthy day this side of heaven. We're all going to be making mistakes until the good Lord calls us home, and we need to accept that and move on! We need to keep flexing our self-control muscles and making ourselves stronger! We need to continue to "run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith" (Hebrews 12:1-2).
What is the end goal of our race? It's simply Jesus. We need to keep our eyes fixed on Him so that when the time comes we can hear those sweet words, "Well done good and faithful servant" (Matthew 25:21).
Please visit Missy at her blog, Graceful Little Honey Bee:
Thank you to all who entered The Rusted Chain giveaway!

Thank you to all who entered The Rusted Chain giveaway!
We have chosen a winner!! I decided to take the number of letters in "The Rusted Chain" to arrive at our winning number. That number is...14!!
So congratulations to Helen N! You are our 14th person to comment on this giveaway. Please contact me with your mailing address so I can pass it on to The Rusted Chain.
Come back tomorrow when we'll be announcing a new giveaway!!
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Come back tomorrow when we'll be announcing a new giveaway!!
Post a Comment | Twitter: Hashtag #reshapingitall
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