This week we are focusing on controlling our thoughts. That's interesting timing as I asked a friend last Saturday wishing I had some practical ways to do that. It's easy to say, but not so easy to do when your mind is stuck on replay.
As I got to thinking about this I came up with five ways that I've since been using to successfully control my thoughts, and I'd like to share them with you:

As I got to thinking about this I came up with five ways that I've since been using to successfully control my thoughts, and I'd like to share them with you:
- Consider the thought and make a firm decision. Is this something I want to meditate on or discard? If you decide to discard the thought, you have already accomplished step one.
- Turn your attention away from it. If you are tempted by certain food, avoid it by not bringing it into the house, not passing it in the grocery store, or not driving by it when you're out in the car. Take a different route if you can.
If you are tempted to waste time on the computer, set a timer, and walk away from it when the bell rings. - Use distraction to your advantage. Reading a book, watching a video, playing with your kids, singing along with worship music or talking to a friend are a few ways you can do this.
- Pray. Ask God to take the thoughts away from you.
- Post positive reminders in places you'll see them. If you are discouraged, then jot down words of encouragement and place them around the house.
Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings.. ~ 1 Peter 5:7-9, (NIV)Visit my website, Time-Warp Wife: Empowering Wives to Joyfully Serve:

Since we're just about half way through the challenge, we have a special giveaway for you!!
Our sponsor, Art Bookbindery is giving away a $50.00 Amazon gift certificate to one of our participants!!!! So if there's a book you've been wanting to buy for a while--this might be your chance!!
We will randomly choose one winner from our list of participants that you see in the linky list below. So if you haven't put your name in there yet, then please do. If you don't have a blog, you can use in place of the address.
We'll announce the winner here next Monday, so get your name in there!
Since we're just about half way through the challenge, we have a special giveaway for you!!
Our sponsor, Art Bookbindery is giving away a $50.00 Amazon gift certificate to one of our participants!!!! So if there's a book you've been wanting to buy for a while--this might be your chance!!
We will randomly choose one winner from our list of participants that you see in the linky list below. So if you haven't put your name in there yet, then please do. If you don't have a blog, you can use in place of the address.
We'll announce the winner here next Monday, so get your name in there!
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Would love to buy a new book. I reading reshaping it all.. So far I lost 15 lbs so proud of myself. Everything is going great.. Thank yall so much for giving us hope.. Be Blessed my Sisters. Olga