Tuesday, March 1, 2011

We're Having a Party at Reshaping it All!!!

It's Here - The Event You've Been Waiting For...

It’s finally here--the event that so many of you have been asking for… an online support group for Reshaping it All!!

Let’s face it, reshaping our lives can be tough at times, especially difficult when we’re trying to do it alone, but our drive is definitely strengthened when we have the support of friends.
Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken. ~ Ecclesiastes 4:12, NIV
While driving my car the other day, I got to think about how much I’ve slid off the wagon. (I do a lot of car thinking!) Little by little I’ve let one habit slip through the door after another. I started drinking calories again, eating until I was past full, and snacking a little too often. Okay, let’s change that last sentence to read, “Far too often.”

It’s evident in the clothes that I wear, since everything I own is now a little too tight. Finally, I took a good look at myself in the mirror and asked, “What in the world are you doing?” Or as Dr. Phil would say, “How’s that working for you?”

It’s not.

Time to Get Serious
I’ve decided that it was high time to get serious about reshaping my life. I love the glow on Candace’s skin, and she’s not getting it from a bottle of liquid foundation—I’ve seen it up close. It comes from drinking water and eating wholesome food. I also love the energy level that comes to those who are eating just enough of the right food, and I’m tired of feeling groggy from an overload of carbs. Finally I want to get back down to a medium size so that I’ll comfortable in the clothes that I love, and get in shape for Relevant 11! Is that too much to ask? I don’t think so.

Someone asked me today how faith plays a part in my journey of Reshaping it All. I got to thinking about that question this afternoon, and I realized that keeping my eyes on God and trusting Him through the journey helps keep my eyes off the world and gets me focused on Him. That’s my ultimate desire in all that I do, so it only makes sense to apply the same mindset when reshaping my health. More of you, Lord—less of me!

When I told Candace that I wanted to start this journey with you, she was right on board with the idea, In fact she's excited and looking forward to popping in when she can with a video or an article to encourage us along. I also know that she’ll be checking in on our progress to cheer us along.

Why 65 Days?
65 Days gives us enough time to break old habits, incorporate new ones and gain some momentum. We don’t want to give up on each other when we’re just getting started.

What will Happen?
We will post articles every day for the next 65 days. Some of them will be videos, some will be challenges, and some will be guest posts, but each week we’ll move through two chapters of the book together.

Candace and I have added a chat box to the sidebar. We’d love you all to leave messages when you stop by so that we can get to know you a little better, and encourage you every step of the way!!

If you’re looking for interaction, inspiration, and motivation… THIS is the place to be May 1st – July 4th, 2011.

Pick up your copy of Reshaping it All at your local bookstore or online at Amazon: Click Here

P.S. If you don't have a copy of the book--not to worry--you can still follow along with us and glean much of the motivation that is found in the book.

See you tomorrow, when we start Chapter 1!!

Darlene Schacht, co-author of Reshaping it All


  1. Yay! I've very excited about this! I just ordered the book and can't wait until it comes so that I can get started =)

  2. I finally got the comment box back. Praising God for helping me tweak!

  3. Hooray! It's working!! You are a woman of many talents Darlene :-)!

    I look forward to the community here along with some weight loss and remembering that it is God who will fill our deepest voids(pg.6) - not food.

    Walk with the King!

  4. Darlene... Thank you so much! This is so timely for me... I've slid off the wagon and into the ditch ;-) I'm very excited to start and I know that you wont disappoint!

    Love & Blessings!

  5. I am excited to join this program!!

  6. I have read thru Candace's book and have done better on my weight loss journey, but I still haven't fully been committed. I go into this with diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and a weight of 309. I am praying for God's strength to keep me committed to glorifying Him thru all of this. I go back for lab work around July 4th. Please pray that I stay committed and see better lab results. I will be praying for all of you on this journey. God Bless!!

  7. My copy should arrive either tomorrow or tuesday..... I can;t wait!!!!

  8. I'm encouraged with this group of women whom like myself are tackling the challenge to overcome unhealthy habits by putting the matter in Godly perspective. Thank you! This is timely and a real blessing.

  9. I don't blog but I tweet! That's how I found out about this. I was already half way through the book. So excited to be a part of the next 64 days! Looking forward to spiritual renewal and physical results!

  10. I just ordered my copy. Should be here between the 7th and 19th. Hope I don't get too left behind!

  11. Awesome, Christine!! No one gets left behind. We start chapter 2 on Thursday, but because we're going through this at a slow pace, we've made room for people to jump in late!

  12. I can't wait to start.... my copy was supposed to come today, I hope it comes soon!!!!

  13. Here is a link to my blog. I did a post on
    Reshaping It Al, this book has truly inspired me to keep on the straight and narrow, spiritually as well as physically!! http://thesleefamily.blogspot.com/ click on right side of my blog under latest read! God bless you, Shirley

  14. This is an answer to prayer. As many times as I have tried and failed, I know that only Jesus can help me and the support of others. I'm a few days behind, but I'm buying the book tomorrow and look forward to jumping in!

  15. So excited to start this journey! I'm a little late to it since it started in May, but better late than never! I just graduated college and through the past four years, I've gained the freshman 20, I've gotten really out of shape, and have been eating very poorly. I graduated college on the 21st of May. Graduating college is a time of new beginnings, so what better time to try to improve my overall level of health. God bless, Ashley
