In chapter 5, page 62, Candace shares a Bible verse from Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 (NIV):
Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up.I have felt the power of this strength in the "65 Days to Reshaping it All" challenge as I am surrounded by women who encourage me to press on. But most importantly I feel the strength of this power when broken and discouraged I lay my burden as the foot of my Savior and rely on His strength to bring me through.
I enjoyed this thought by Charity Gordon, because she is honest about her struggle. I love that she is transparent enough to say, "I must confess I am not doing a very good job," but wise enough to see that prayer will make a difference...
How often do I ask my heavenly Father for help? How am I starting my morning? Do I give Him my day when I rise? Do I seek Him in all things? What about before I go to sleep do I talk with my savior? Do I ever come to my heavenly father with a thankful heart. During my reshaping it all I hope to grow in faith and become more prayerful. May we be like a bean sprout, (when planted in prayer and word), grow all over the place. Inside and out, here and there....come on lets sprout. ~ Confessions of a Dieter
"Union 28!!" is giving away one of their gorgeous hoodies (or a tshirt if you prefer).
And I'm personally adding to this giveaway by offering the winner a copy of Reshaping it All to give to a friend!!
Want to win? Here's all you have to do to enter:
Send a photo of yourself with a copy of Reshaping it All to darlene[at]darleneschacht[dot]net and we will randomly choose one entry and announce the winner next Monday the 23rd. Paper back or digital reader. Either one is awesome!
Please note that we may choose to use your photos on this website, so if you don't want it to appear online, you must let us know.
This one is for Canada and US only please.
Don't have a copy of the book yet? You can will one at The Legacy of Home!! Visit her site for details.
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