Thursday, July 26, 2012

First week down!

Sorry I missed yesterday's blog. I had to work early in the am on a reshoot for a movie I filmed 4 years ago! I know, it's a crazy business and sometimes movies will sit on a shelf unfinished because something about it wasn't quite right. Filmmakers then get busy working on other projects and well... it can take 4 years to get everyone together again to rewrite and reshoot! I'll keep you updated on its release date once I know.

Today, week 1 is finished! I'm definitely feeling a whole lot better than I did 7 days ago and I'm down 5 pounds. :) I expected that since the first 5 days I was on a juice cleanse. Of course I'd lose weight not eating solids and giving my body a detox. It was the jumpstart I was looking for and helped me eat clean meals the last two days without wanting junky foods. I also know a few of those pounds may creep back on, but praying that I'll continue to make good and healthy choices, not allowing my "cravings" to get the best of me. I must exercise my resistance muscle to saying "no".  Especially since it's that wonderful time of the month! :) Chocolate...can you hear me calling your name?!

Yesterday I drank a 12 oz fruit smoothy for breakfast, had a small turkey salad with tomato, cucumbers and peppers created out of 4 subway sandwiches (which they provided on set for lunch). I basically scrapped the bread and cheese, snacked on 2 apples, a banana, a handful of almonds and dinner... well, time got the best of me. I know, not very healthy to skip it, I didn't intend to, but worked until 7pm, had to pick up Natasha an hour away at 8 and got home at 9. We stopped for frozen yogurt on the way home and I got a small with almonds on top. I munched on a handful of strawberries Val cut up and stored in the fridge and I hit my pillow by 9:30.

I haven't really worked out this week, but it starts this morning. I'm off with Val and the kids to run on the beach and do some exercises. I'll fill you in tomorrow. Also, after talking to several girlfriends, I was convinced to order Tracy Anderson's Metamorphosis workout videos. I can't wait to get them this week! Maybe you want to start them together with me?

Have an awesome day! Stay strong, stay in the word of God and make good choices!


  1. Count me in. I really needed some encouragement to get back on track. I had a baby 3 months ago and no long have the "I'm eating for two" excuse. :p I have 20 pounds to go. Let's do this!

  2. Thank you Candace for being such a inspiration to women all over the world. Here I was wondering what I wanted for lunch before I went to work and was thinking fast food but after reading your blog I'm thinking something healthy. I think with you in my corner I will be on my way to a healthier me in no time. Thanks again and enjoy that time with your family :)

  3. Im learning to plan eating mostly veggies n fruit. please keep sharing your meals. i love the "subway" lunch. if i could only call upon the Lord when i feel weak to eat breads. what a smart idea!!!! i have to keep thinking about my thoughts and choices of food. please keep ur blogs going:)

    anonymous J

  4. Love your blog and you! My sister and I have our own health & fitness blog so it's nice to read about someone else doing the same thing we are even if they are famous :) Big fan!


      Thank you for asking! We are super psyched that you may be reading our blog!!!

  5. Do you have favorite songs you like to listen to when you run?

  6. $350 cleanse, 90+ for Tracy Anderson DVD and then $ for personal training? I workout for free everyday. Find a nice quiet spot activate my gym boss interval timer and tabata I go....

    I highly recommend it!

    1. Someone is sure counting my money for me! :) I'm swapping the personal training for the DVD's :) Sharing more of in the days to come.

    2. At least you are spending money on something that is good for you :)!

      I prefer to do the DVD'S than working out with a personal trainer. Especially if you already have an idea as to what you are doing. Personal trainers are great to get someone started though.

    3. as long as you use what you spend it on, I think its a healthy choice! I buy ab rockets, zumba fitness and tried HCG, yet I still am drawn to Shaun T's INSANITY workout. AMAZING. Didn't buy it, just applied the moves and workout strategy to my own routine. Keep it up Candace! You are truly an inspiration tro alot of us women out there! Great Job!

  7. Eating well makes such a difference. Two weeks ago I met with a nutritionist to figure out a plan to stabilize my blood sugar (sneaky way of fooling myself into losing weight!). My energy level is way up, I have no real cravings, and I'm eating constantly, it feels...(small meal or snack every 2 - 3 hours).

    Exercise is next...elliptical, here I come!

  8. Just finished your book...very good! I've marked several pages to reference. Love the way you added scripture throughout the book...big help to keep on track and remember that my body is a temple...and just for daily guidance, in general. I can already tell a difference in my thought process and choices. Looking forward to your posts each day.

  9. Thank you for being so authentic! I have read your book once. I gained so much from it that I am now reading it again! I have lost 30 pounds (up about 3 this summer)! I have about 50 - 60 to go. I have Hebrews 12:11 written on my fridge as a reminder that in order to reach my goals, I will have to deny myself some reality, I know that when I am doing what I know I need to do, I feel so much better!! I am 43, and at this time in my life it is not just about looking better, it is about doing my part to try to maintain my health. An exercise video I have (Prayfit) reminded me that looking good is a byproduct of obedience...I love that!! I like to do Zumba for exercise, but I am interested in running as I progress. Again, thank you for being consistent, authentic, and faithful!! You are a great witness for Jesus! God Bless You!!

    1. Just a perspective shift helped me- I stopped thinking about it as JUST denying myself, and started thinking about every bite as nourishment!! Gd has given us this beautiful and natural food and it can be so tasty too. Also, I found that once I started taking vitamins and supplements (you should figure out which ones are suited for you) my cravings minimized like crazy. (Not gone, but minimized) With Gd's help, I've lost 10 lbs already with 25 more to go!! Good luck on your journey, Gd bless!

  10. Thank you for this blog! I got your book awhile ago and I loved reading it as well. I'm so glad we can follow along with your journey. My friends and I are doing a 30 day challenge and blogging about it also. We are challenging ourselves to eat healthy and work out every day. I know that's a given but food has always been a struggle for me because I love food and don't like to exercise. It's been tough but so worth the changes I'm seeing. We are on day 11 and already I don't know if I can see myself stopping after 30 days! Thank you again for putting yourself out there! It's inspiring!

  11. Thanks for blogging about weight, exercise and nutrition. I have been going to the gym 3 or 4 days a week for what will be a month on Saturday. Worked with a trainer some (not sure we're a good match), also took some classes and do cardio. Still have strong cravings for all types of breads, and anything chocolate. I need to find a good nutritionist on Long Island in NY to help me with that. I know how to eat in a healthy manner and have made wise choices past few days but I wish I could see more results. I am counting down to my vacation 28 days to go and I'm vowing to eat healthy and wisely all those days not so I can splurge on vacation but so I can feel successful before we go away, will keep me that much more on track while away. Thanks again for being so forthcoming, encouraging and honest about your struggles with all of this

  12. Well, you are inspiring! I have been talking to a friend about beachology and I can get a workout video for cheap. I think I will give her a call! And if you are going to workout your physical body remember your spiritual body is even more important. So, I encourage womwn to downlod an audio verson of the Word and listen to it an hour at least three times a week. My fav is Insprired by The Bible Experience easily accessible through I Tunes

    1. I really need to start proofreading comments before I post ;0)

  13. I have the Tracy Andetson videos. They are great!! Definitely tough but stick with it. Im on day 15 right now. The dance cardio doesn't really get any easier but I'm beginning to like it more. Good luck!

  14. I look forward to your posts! I have a faith and fitness blog too so when I log on to update mine I check out the latest here. Thank you for the inspiration and sharing your real life stories. It's really cool to know you face the same struggles the rest of us do! Keep up the good work and God Bless!

  15. You are fabulous! Such an inspiration! I too have gained some weight. 6.8 lbs in the last year and would love to get rid of it! I eat healthy and I do exercise but have slipped a little with the sugar and bread. Ready to get back on track and you are allowing me to focus more on it! Thank you! Your blog is so well written. I love the updates and cant wait to read your book! Thank you for sharing your life!!

  16. Candace, I am so glad I found this blog. You are such an inspiration. I have loved reading over your blog the last couple days and love the fact that you stay totally true to who you are and give God glory. I am interested in what cleanse you did? Or even one you recommend to do to start off with. I have never done one before and have wanted to do one for some time now.
    Thanks again for blogging and being the encouragement you are!
