Posted by Darlene Schacht, Co-author of Reshaping it All
Over the past few days we've been talking a lot about resisting temptation. Now that I've challenged myself to Reshape it All for 65 Days, I'm finding that my resistance muscle is much stronger than it was on day one. In fact our family went out to a movie last night, and I had no desire whatsoever to order a snack. Good choices seem to come easy these days, which is the wonderful thing about repetition and time.
But if you're not at that place yet, where good choices are becoming ingrained, there are things you can do to help yourself resist temptation in regards to bad diet--today. In "A Pinch of Practicality," (Reshaping it All, page 127) Candace offers us a few ideas such as:
- Give away or throw away food that isn't part of your plan. Get it out of the house.
- Put treats in inconvenient places, so temptation doesn't wear you down.
- Stock up on healthy food like fruit, vegetables, and bottled water.
- Wash and prepare produce so that it's handy when you need it.
- Keep fruit where you'll see it often.
- Refill water bottles and chill them in the fridge for convenience
- Make a habit of bringing a bottle of water with you when you go for a drive, so you won't be tempted to stop for sweetened coffee on the road.
See the pattern running through those suggestions? Bad food out of sight--good food within reach. In the same way I challenge you to keep the Word of God within reach. Keep it out in the open where you see it often, and make a habit of picking it up throughout the day
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Click here: Summer Beach Party Giveaway (ends on Sunday, June 5, 2011)
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Our sponsor, Art Bookbindery is giving away a $50.00 Amazon gift certificate to one of our participants!!!!
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We'll announce the winner here next Monday (June 6, 2011), so get your name in with the others!
We'll announce the winner here next Monday (June 6, 2011), so get your name in with the others!
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Putting treats and bad for you stuff out of sight.. reminds me of a funny story Courtney told where she hid her candy in the garage and her sister froze her Christmas cookies so nobody would be tempted to eat them. Guess it really works! Have to give it a try, thank you for the wonderful tips.