Guest blogger, Clare from Peak 313 Fitness

Yet for others, the words "self discipline" evoke a more, negative tone. It represents failure. It represents being less than someone else. It represents everything you are not. In fact, you may even resent those who are self disciplined.
I, personally, love the concept of self discipline. For me, it's dying to my desires. It's proving that I can beat the odds. It's a way to keep myself "sharp" in life. I will go out on a limb here and say that some people have the natural bend of being disciplined. It generally has come naturally to me, yet for so many women who I talk to, it's such a struggle. My heart goes out to them because the desire in their heart is there, but the ability to follow through to completion is not for whatever reason.
One of the biggest reasons I love self discipline is that it bleeds over into many areas of my life. I am one who likes the biggest bang for their buck! I find that when I'm self-disciplined in one area of life---let's say in healthy eating--then it's much easier for me to exercise consistently. If I'm self-disciplined in reading God's word, then it's much easier for me to pray and serve my family. If I'm disciplined in keeping my physical wants (ahem, clothes!) in check, then it's much easier for me to give to others.
Just like anything in life, discipline requires some growing pains. Candace mentions that when you are in the first three days of a change program, that it's difficult. When you start a new exercise routine, doesn't it take a little time to stop hurting so much?! LOL! When you are ridding "junk food" from your life, doesn't your body CRAVE it for a few days? When you are disciplining your mind to think positive things about your body, don't you have to fight the natural urge to think negatively?
I have a real life, recent story to tell you about. When we started the "65 days to Reshaping It All" challenge, I decided that I was going to stop eating after 7pm. The main reason was that my night eating was getting sloppy. I was mindlessly putting food in my mouth that I didn't need and it was taking a toll on my body!! You would not believe how HUNGRY I was the first 4 or 5 nights. My belly would literally growl out loud and I would FIGHT going to the kitchen. Some nights I turned in early and other nights I drank water and tried to distract myself. But I did it (and I'm still doing it!) The feeling of accomplishment each morning was amazing and that feeling kept me going for the next night and next etc..(It also helps that I'm seeing results because of it!)
The other thing that kept me going was accountability. I had the wonderful ladies from my blog, Peak313, and from all of you, here at Reshaping It All to check in with. I knew that I'd have to "fess up" if I had messed up!! That in itself was enough to stop the eating!
Self-discipline is rough. Some seasons of life will be rougher than others. Some areas of your life will be harder to keep in check than others. Get a partner! Keep yourself involved with someone who will be there to help you out.
Finally, let's not forget what God's Word says about discipline. If God has something to say about it, then I want to hear it!
If you have Reshaping It All, then I challenge you to do the exercise on pages 104 and 105. This is SO SO EXCELLENT! Don't let self-discipline be a negative word that is only associated with your health (or lack thereof). Allow it to bleed into other areas of your life and embrace it with the power and purpose that God has given it to us for!!
Visit Clare at her blog, Peak313 Fitness, or follow her on twitter (@peak313):

Finally, let's not forget what God's Word says about discipline. If God has something to say about it, then I want to hear it!
I discipline my body and make it my slave, so that, after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified. ~ 1 Corinthians 9:27
No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it. ~ Hebrews 12:11Candace finishes the chapter with this thought. "Self-discipline is an exercise that strengthens us over time when we continue to implement it. It puts our spirit in control of our flesh and keeps putting it there until the flesh learns to follow." pg102
If you have Reshaping It All, then I challenge you to do the exercise on pages 104 and 105. This is SO SO EXCELLENT! Don't let self-discipline be a negative word that is only associated with your health (or lack thereof). Allow it to bleed into other areas of your life and embrace it with the power and purpose that God has given it to us for!!
Visit Clare at her blog, Peak313 Fitness, or follow her on twitter (@peak313):

Enter this weeks giveaway!!

The rusted chain offers custom hand stamped jewelry, full of meaning and inspiration! A bit rustic, a bit elegant, and a lot gorgeous!
If you would like to enter for your chance to win, please put your name in our draw by leaving a comment below. Along with your comment, tell us one thing that you would like to "reshape" in your life!
(I'll accumulate comments from all posts this week, so if you comment each day you increase your chances of winning)
We'll choose one winner and announce it here next Monday, May 30/11!
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What a blessing your book will be to many women! I started my own journey this Feb. and I'm doing very well. With God's help and His grace I'm down nearly 30#!
ReplyDeleteI am trying to reshape my spiritual time with the Lord as well as my physical fitness.
Clare, thank you for the much appreciated motivation!! I love this line: The feeling of accomplishment each morning was amazing and that feeling kept me going for the next night and next etc.
ReplyDeleteThat is so true!!
Wow! This is probably my favorite entry for Reshaping It All so far!
ReplyDeleteI loved this line "it's dying to my desires. It's proving that I can beat the odds"
I slammed down four sugar cookies last night, letting my willpower and self-discipline fly right out the window. I felt horrible and sick after doing it.
The bible verses are ones I will memorize!
Love this idea! Hope Canada is included!
ReplyDeleteI am reading the book and working on strengthening my resistance muscles right along with everyone else. Thanks for this giveaway!
ReplyDeleteI wish more than anything to reshape my attitude. I want to be more joyful and less negative. I think then, the rest will fall into place. You know Maxine in the Hallmark cards?? Yeah, I'm like her but 50 years younger.
ReplyDeleteI have been having the same problem with eating after dinner. My tummy growling and me wanting to give in to some food. One night I did eat some tortilla chips and that wasn't a good thing because I didn't stop when I felt I had enough. Now I am trying to put my focus in something else if that happens, read a book, check email, plan meals, homeschool planning for the next day etc. It's been helping a lot but some days it takes all of my will and strength to say no to going to find something to nibble on, espcecially if my hubby is having something and offer's it to me. He know's he's not supposed to offer it to me but he's learning. Habit...
ReplyDeleteHoping to begin implementing exercise again!
Oh, my...I didn't follow the rules! What would I like to reshape in my life? My inability to turn down sweets - they are my nemesis!
ReplyDeleteI would like to reshape my tendency to mindlessly eat while the kids are napping.
ReplyDeleteThe third thing I want to reshape is my home. It is in definite need of reshaping.
ReplyDeleteI would love to reshape my motivation in keeping it clean, tidy, and organized. I know it can't be perfect, but I would love for it to be more functional and less cluttered.
Dishes seem to be my enemy, and laundry is my friend. It doesn't make sense. I am pushing myself more and more to be disciplined.
Thank you Candace and Darlene for providing us with such inspiration and motivation! What a great opportunity this is! I'm loving RIA, and am now reading it for the second time! I use it as daily motivation, and don't think I could ever get tired of it!
trying to reshape my daily walk with the Lord.
Trying to reshape the way my little boys eat, need them to expand their horizons( food wise)!